ラーマ―ヤナ インド神話から学ぶNo.2
カンファレンス vol.2
シータとラーマは一国の王様とお姫様。ふたりは町人にとっては神であったので、人々は一行が戻ってくることを心待ちにしていたけれど、次第に「果たして、シータは町に帰ってくるべき人なのか? 行動の一つ一つは誠実だったのか?」と疑い、大騒ぎになりました。
Conference vol.2
In the last issue, we talked about Ranayama. Hanuman, the monkey god, has deep feelings for Sita and Rama, and with the wisdom of his friends, he devotedly rescues Sita from being kidnapped. He then shared the story of how Sita and Rama were happily together. (1st edition on my blog)
Remember that Sita is a “symbol of the heart”. Has that heart always been sincere to you?
There was a time when Sita and Rama were on a journey and on the way Sita was blinded by a golden deer. In the middle of the battle, Rama put a ring of fire on it to protect her, saying that she would be safe in this dharma, but Sita got her hand out of it and was taken away by the demon.
Sita and Rama are the king and princess of a kingdom. They were gods to the people of the town, and they were looking forward to their return, but gradually they began to ask themselves, “Is Sita really the person who should come back to the town? Was he sincere in every action? They began to wonder, “Was Sita really sincere in all of her actions?
So Rama prepared a fire path for Sita and urged her to “walk on it. As a result, Sita was able to cross that fire path without difficulty.
Walking on the fire path. This anecdote leads to “tapas”. Tapas is the symbol of fire and is super cleansing. It is meant to purify one’s mind, body, and even previous lives.
The path of the tapas was prepared for Sita, and she crossed it without a single burn, proving that she had a pure heart.
You already know that “Tapas” can be learned from the Yoga Sutras and is one of the eight branches of Ashtanga Yoga. Tapas tells us that it is an important part of our practice each morning.
A review. Ashtanga Yoga is made up of the eight branches.
(1) Yama
(2) Niyama
(3) Asana
(4) Pranayama
(5) Pradhyahara
(6) Dharana
(7) Dhyana
(8) Samadhi
There are five rules within the yamas of these eight branches, the first of which is ahimsa (non-violence). This means that we learn to be nonviolent = not to cause pain to ourselves, to others, and to everything else.
The second is “Satya” (learning the truth). This means to walk the path of sincerity without lying. It can be painful, and when telling the truth hurts the other person, we can choose not to tell the uncomfortable truth. But on the other hand, we can also tell it for the person’s sake. The point is that the way you tell it is also a practice.
From Guruji, we have yama, niyama, and asana. First of all, he says, let’s practice these three practically in this life. However, it is important to understand the remaining five, from pranayama to samadhi.
What is your understanding of samadhi, the last of the eight principles?
I’ve heard many answers, such as “enlightenment,” “transcendence,” “feeling far away,” “deep meditation,” “up to the point of bliss,” “blessing of all living beings,” and so on.
The study of samadhi can be summed up in one word: enlightenment. The state of samadhi is said to be “a state where you feel that everything is connected at the deepest level. There is no will of one’s own there -> no feelings. Just I am here, and I become just that.
For example, if a family member was hit by a car in front of you, you would not be upset. I just accept it as something that happened. It is said that samadhi is a state of being free from all feelings of sadness and suffering. The positioning of samadhi is a teaching that there are indeed people in this world who have this kind of enlightenment, even though they are too afraid to speak of it.
A familiar analogy for the sensation of samadhi is said to be that of driving a car or riding in one and feeling the view from the car window flowing by.
In samadhi, Patanjali teaches that dharma is like a cloud. Dharma means path or purpose (I think Kiyoko talked about dharma before during her yoga philosophy lecture). So, the reason for the cloud analogy is that in Japan, rain is often viewed negatively, but in India, rainfall is considered a good symbol for bringing the earth. The role of clouds is to connect the rain to the earth, which is a process, not an outcome. Clouds are like dharma, showing one’s own deeds. If you only pick up your own happiness, nothing will come to you even if you try hard to seek it, but if you have misfortune, you will experience various processes (clouds) from it, and you will be blessed with happiness because you ponder, act, and try to overcome it, though it may sound extreme.
The same is true of asanas. If we only pursue the poses, our desire to do our best will dominate, and our bodies will be overloaded or break down, resulting in pain. The sense of accomplishment of doing a pose is nice, but it is only temporary, and the role of the cloud (vinyasa) has to be there. It is only when the role of the clouds that connect the poses to each other is included that the whole is symbolic as happiness. This is also explained by Lord Patanjali in chapter 1 of the Yoga Sutra. This is why I think it is so important to enjoy life, including the process, and to experience how to get there, not just the result.
Dr. Sharath always says, “I practice for my own happy life. It is only when you have time to burn the fire of tapas and practice that you will be able to connect with the rest of your life outside of asana. I want people to enjoy it more. It’s not only about asana, but also about learning from it, accepting and releasing and letting go of even the events from before it happened.
Every year I come to crippled India to learn, and I wonder why samadhi is positioned at the end of the Eight Divisions. Understanding the essence and working on it may change your morning practice.
It is said that besides the symbolism of clouds, Samadhi also means “relationship” to people, oneself, and various other things as a learning experience. I will connect it there again at the next conference (March 9 and 10).
Thanks to you, I am able to focus on my practice every morning in India. I do my best without any distractions. On a personal note, two months before I came to India, I injured my back and it was fatal, so asanas are very hard for me, but I let go of that feeling and accept it as a process of growth. I have a good relationship with Dr. Sharath and he has witnessed my practice.
This year, my daughter (11 years old), who is accompanying me, is also working hard, getting up at 3 in the morning without rest. Everything from the teachers is “Very Good!”
Thank you so much to all the teachers in Japan. I believe everyone is also practicing in Shala and online. I think we learn good lessons when we are substitute teachers.
From mika
It has been a long time coming, but the content has deepened with each session, and I myself have learned a lot.
I have heard from Dr. Miko that she has a back problem, and I was hoping that she would not have any pain in India and that a miracle would happen, but she said at the conference th